In the past couple of years, people in many countries have found a way to access Harry Potter on Netflix, with a very simple trick that we’re going to talk about. As for Harry Potter on Netflix, the entire franchise of 8 movies is available but it’s very hard to watch them as only a small portion of people can actually access it.

Sometimes, movies and shows will appear and then disappear again, without any particular announcements. So when will you be able to watch Harry Potter on Netflix US, Canada, Australia, UK, or any other country? Well, unfortunately, we don’t have any information about that, as the company is pretty secretive about these things. In the US, UK, Canada, Australia, and many other countries, the company hasn’t yet purchased the rights to show you these movies. There’s a simple reason for that and it lies in the streaming rights that Netflix needs to purchase from the copyright owner to be able to show a particular movie or show. We said that it actually is on the platform but in the vast majority of countries, you won’t be able to find a single movie. However, as you can clearly see, that is not the case, raising the question of why Harry Potter isn’t available on Netflix. Obviously, it is a really popular movie franchise, which should mean that it’s easy to access it on this streaming service. In case you live in a country where Harry Potter isn’t available, we will tell you what many people do to access all of the movies on this streaming service. That is, of course, not entirely true, as this movie can still be found in some countries, meaning that you’ll be able to find and watch Harry Potter on the streaming platform. However, users in the US, Canada, Australia, and many other countries will notice that Harry Potter isn’t available on Netflix.

With 8 movies in the franchise, you’ll be able to follow Harry Potter from his earliest days, all the way to his adulthood, as he becomes one of the most prominent wizards in Hogwarts.

Harry Potter is a legendary movie franchise based on the books of J.